Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009 Wednesday 3:10 p.m. THOUGHTS

Thought for the day

INFORMATION, INFORMATION, INFORMATION.....We live in an information age. We must have information in a split second...faster than a split second...faster, faster, faster. We have to be informed! STOP!!! Sometimes, I would rather not be informed. Have you ever heard the phrase, "too much information" when someone is blabbing on and on. How about, too much information can be a bad thing..when someone said something they shouldn't.

It seems Sen. Chuck Schumer...titled it right. The chattering classes are indeed chattering. The very idea I'm on here blogging is do to the information technologies. I wonder with all the chattering and typing, if anything of lasting value comes from this.
I stepped out into the fresh air, sunshine, and blue skies with a gentle breeze blowing a few minutes ago. I thought to myself this has value and a lasting impact. This scene and experience carries a punch. This is what the soul longs for and is refreshed by.

There is the artificial world we have created for ourselves, and then there is the real stuff. Warning: Too much of a good thing can be bad for your health I prefer a small dose of I don't overdose. Let's have more of the real stuff..bring it on.

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